
阅读: 1,376
作者: Ivy
发布时间: Thursday July 30, 2020


全称Public Health Emergencyof International Concern designated by the World Health Organisation 国际突发公共卫生事件(PHEIC)*PHEIC是世界卫生组织的一项正式声明,指的是“通过疾病的国际传播构成对其他国家的公共卫生风险,以及可能需要采取协调一致的国际应对措施的不同寻常事件”;该事件状态在“情况严重、突然、不寻常或意外”、“公共卫生影响超出了受影响国家的边界”、“可能需要立即采取国际行动”时启用。



Class of persons7—Students and Student Guardians’ who are former visa holders affected by a PHEIC

This section applies to an applicant who:

(a) is in Australia; and

(b) is a reapplying applicant; and

(c) makes an application for the Subclass 500visa or the Subclass 590 visa within 3 months after the cancellation of theapplicant’s Subclass 500 visa or Subclass 590 visa



a) 在澳洲境内;并且

b) 重新申请学生签证500或者监护人签证590;并且

c)  在学生签证500或者监护人签证590取消后的3个月内递交学签申请。

14 Class of persons 8— Current or recent students whosestudies were affected by COVID-19.

This section applies to an applicant who:

(a) is seeking to satisfy the primary criteriafor the grant of a Subclass 500 visa;and

(b) held a Subclass 500 visa at any timeoccurring on or after 1 February 2020;and

(c) is or was unable to complete the course ofstudy to which the visa mentioned in paragraph (b) relates before the end of thevisa period because of the coronavirus known as COVID-19.



a) 作为学生签证主申请人递交申请;并且

b) 在2020年2月1日当天或者之后持有学生签证500;并且

c)  由于疫情,现在或者过去未能按进度完成所学课程,所学课程需要和所持有的学签挂钩。

疫情影响下很多学校课程计划后延,推迟了毕业时间,学生不得不续签,比如:·  课程大纲包含实习内容,幼教以及厨师课程,疫情影响了实习进度;

·  部分网课课程,课程大纲未能按时完成,或者成绩未能按时公布而延迟了毕业时间;

·  没有相关网课,而推迟到到下个学期的等等。

15 Class of persons 9— Family member (combinedapplicants) of current or recent students whose studies wereaffected by COVID-19.



This section applies to an applicant:

(a) who claims to be a member of the family unitof another applicant (the primary applicant) and the primary applicantis seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 500visa; and

(b) who seeks to combine their application withthe primary applicant’s application; and

(c) where the primary applicant held a Subclass500 visa at any time occurring on or after 1 February 2020; and

(d) where the primary applicant is or was unableto complete the course of study to which the visa mentioned in paragraph (b)relates before the end of the visa period because of the coronavirus known asCOVID-19



a) 作为学生签证主申请人的陪读递交申请;并且

b) 和主申请人一起递交签证;并且

c) 主申请人在2020年2月1日当天或者之后持有学生签证500;并且

d) 由于疫情,主申请人现在或者过去未能按进度完成所学课程,所学课程需要和所持有的学签挂钩。

澳大利亚移民法法条Migration (LIN 20/158: Class of Persons for Student (Temporary)(Class TU) Visa Applications) Instrument 2020,于2020年7月24日生效,适用于7月24日之后所有新递交的学生签证,监护人签证申请。



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